Tobacco Industry in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan tobacco field

The tobacco industry in Azerbaijan is a fascinating realm, steeped in history and brimming with potential. From its roots in the Soviet era to its current state, the industry has undergone significant transformations. Today, it stands as a testament to Azerbaijan’s economic resilience and adaptability. This article will take you on a journey through the intriguing world of Azerbaijan’s tobacco industry, exploring its past, analyzing its present, and speculating on its future. We’ll delve into the industry’s evolution, its impact on the economy, and the challenges and opportunities it presents. Join us as we uncover the captivating story of tobacco in Azerbaijan.

Historical Context of Tobacco in Azerbaijan

Tobacco cultivation in Azerbaijan has been a tradition for centuries, favored by the country’s climate and soil. The industry’s development accelerated in the early 1900s with the establishment of tobacco factories, particularly in the capital city of Baku. The Soviet era brought nationalization and centralization, which was later followed by privatization and reforms post-independence in 1991.

Current Landscape of Tobacco Production

Despite facing challenges such as the grey market, smuggling, and fluctuating prices, Azerbaijan’s tobacco industry continues to thrive. The country has recently reoriented its tobacco production towards the foreign market, experiencing a significant increase in cigarette production and exports, while imports have declined.

Dominant Tobacco Companies

International giants like British American Tobacco, Philip Morris International, and Japan Tobacco International dominate the market. These companies have a significant presence, with market shares that reflect their influence over the industry’s direction.

Local Manufacturers and Export Dynamics

Local production, once minimal, has seen a resurgence. The Eygoreap Tobacco-Baku joint-stock company, for instance, has shifted focus to licensed production in the budget segment. This change is part of a broader trend of increasing exports and decreasing reliance on imports.

Tobacco Farming Regions

Azerbaijan’s favorable climate conditions are ideal for growing tobacco. However, paradoxically, the areas allocated for tobacco cultivation have decreased over the years, leading to a situation where the country, despite its potential, had to import cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Export Markets and Trends

The export market for Azerbaijani tobacco has grown, with significant exports to countries like Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. This growth is indicative of the country’s potential as a tobacco exporter.

Tax Legislation Impact on the Industry

Taxation plays a crucial role in the tobacco industry. Azerbaijan has amended its tax legislation to update rates and the list of goods subject to excise duty, impacting both heated tobacco products and cigarettes.

Tobacco Control and Public Health Initiatives

The government has implemented tobacco control policies, but challenges remain in reducing the prevalence of smoking. Public health initiatives continue to be a focus, with the aim of decreasing tobacco consumption and exposure.

The Grey Market and Smuggling Issues

The Azerbaijani tobacco market suffers from issues like the grey market and smuggling, which create fluctuations in prices and challenge legitimate sales.

Innovation and Market Adaptation

Despite these challenges, there is room for innovation and adaptation. The rise in popularity of alternative tobacco products, such as single-use devices and heated tobacco, is reshaping the market.

Smoking Prevalence and Demographics

Smoking rates in Azerbaijan are high, with significant differences between male and female smoking prevalence due to social and gender expectations.

Shift Towards Alternative Tobacco Products

There is a noticeable shift towards alternative tobacco products among consumers, particularly among young adults and women, driven by a variety of flavors and the perception of reduced harm.

Contribution to GDP and Employment

The tobacco industry contributes significantly to Azerbaijan’s GDP and employment, particularly in tobacco-growing regions.

Potential for Market Growth

There is high potential for further growth in the tobacco industry, provided that challenges are addressed and opportunities are seized.

Predictions and Emerging Trends

The future of the tobacco industry in Azerbaijan is likely to be influenced by global trends, consumer behavior, and the strategic decisions of key players.

The Role of International Investment

International investment and partnerships, such as those with Japan Tobacco International, will continue to play a role in shaping the industry’s trajectory.

what is the current market size of the tobacco industry in azerbaijan

The exact current market size of the tobacco industry in Azerbaijan is not explicitly stated in the search results. However, it is noted that the industry has been growing consistently over the past five years, following a period of decline. Cigarettes continue to dominate the market, despite a decline in 2022 due to challenges such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict causing price increases and temporary out-of-stocks. There has also been a surge in popularity of closed system single-use devices, driven by rising interest among young adults and women. The market is expected to see a consistent decline in retail volume sales of cigarettes over the coming years, due to increasing health awareness and the popularity of alternative tobacco products. Despite these challenges, the industry has potential for growth, depending on how it addresses current challenges and capitalizes on opportunities.

what are the key players in the tobacco industry in azerbaijan

The key players in the tobacco industry in Azerbaijan include international companies such as British American Tobacco, Philip Morris International, and Japan Tobacco International. British American Tobacco is the largest tobacco company in Azerbaijan, with a market share of over 50%. Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco International also have significant market shares, around 30% and 10% respectively. Other players in the market include local tobacco companies and small-scale tobacco farmers.

what are the major tobacco brands in azerbaijan

The major tobacco brands in Azerbaijan include both international and local brands. Some of the international brands that have a significant presence in the country are Winston, Sobranie, Camel, and More, which are sold by Japan Tobacco International (JTI). British American Tobacco also has a presence in the country with brands like Kent and Pall Mall .

Local brands include Prima Deluxe Blue by European Tobacco Baku ASC . Tabaterra CJSC, the largest tobacco manufacturer in the country, produces more than 100 varieties of cigarettes, including brands owned by major international companies such as British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, and Imperial Tobacco Group.

Cahan Tobacco International, another Azerbaijan-based tobacco company, has a product portfolio that includes 8 cigarette brands.


The tobacco industry in Azerbaijan is a dynamic and evolving sector, with a rich history and a significant impact on the nation’s economy. As it faces challenges and embraces new opportunities, the industry’s future remains an intriguing prospect for both local and international stakeholders.

Technical sources:

The tobacco industry in Azerbaijan has undergone significant changes over the years, transitioning from a state-controlled sector during the Soviet era to a more market-oriented system after the country’s independence in 1991. The industry is influenced by international tobacco companies, local manufacturers, and government policies. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan have been involved in tobacco control programs and the implementation of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) to monitor progress toward achieving the goals of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).


The prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults in Azerbaijan was reported at 16% in 2012, with a significant gender disparity (men: 35.3%; women: 0.0%). The country faces challenges such as the grey market and smuggling, which impact legitimate sales and prices. Despite these challenges, there has been a rise in the popularity of alternative tobacco products, such as single-use devices and heated tobacco.


  1. Who are the key players in Azerbaijan’s tobacco market?
    International companies like British American Tobacco, Philip Morris International, and Japan Tobacco International, as well as local manufacturers, are key players.
  2. What is the historical context of tobacco in Azerbaijan?
    Tobacco cultivation has been a tradition for centuries, with significant development in the early 1900s and changes during the Soviet era.
  3. Where are tobacco farming regions located in Azerbaijan?
    Tobacco farming regions are spread across the country, benefiting from favorable climate conditions.
  4. Why is the tobacco industry important for Azerbaijan’s economy?
    The industry contributes significantly to GDP and employment, especially in tobacco-growing regions.
  5. How does the government influence the tobacco industry?
    Through policies, taxation, and control initiatives aimed at reducing tobacco consumption and exposure.
  6. Is there a shift towards alternative tobacco products in Azerbaijan?
    Yes, there is a growing popularity of alternative products like single-use devices and heated tobacco.
  7. Can the tobacco industry in Azerbaijan compete internationally?
    With increasing exports and a focus on foreign markets, the industry has the potential to compete internationally.
  8. Does Azerbaijan import or export more tobacco products?
    Historically, Azerbaijan imported a significant amount of cigarettes, but recent trends show a shift towards increasing exports.
  9. Will the tobacco industry in Azerbaijan continue to grow?
    The potential for growth exists, but it will depend on how the industry addresses current challenges and capitalizes on opportunities.
  10. What are the current trends in tobacco consumption in Azerbaijan?
    A decline in traditional cigarette smoking and a rise in alternative tobacco products.
  11. What challenges does the tobacco industry in Azerbaijan face?
    Issues like the grey market, smuggling, and health awareness campaigns that encourage smoking cessation.
  12. How are tobacco products taxed in Azerbaijan?
    Tobacco products are subject to excise taxes, value-added tax, and import duty.
  13. What role does international investment play in Azerbaijan’s tobacco industry?
    International investment and partnerships are significant for the industry’s development and growth.
  14. How does the tobacco industry impact public health in Azerbaijan?
    While the industry contributes economically, it also poses public health challenges due to the prevalence of smoking.
  15. What strategies are being implemented to control tobacco in Azerbaijan?
    Strategies include taxation, advertising bans, public health campaigns, and support for cessation programs.


For an in-depth understanding of the global tobacco industry, which provides context for Azerbaijan’s tobacco sector, “Bitter Leaves” by Rocco Rorandelli is recommended. This book documents the impact of the tobacco industry on health, the economy, and the environment


Authoritative sources on the subject of the tobacco industry in Azerbaijan include:

  • WHO reports on tobacco control and the GYTS in Azerbaijan
  • Euromonitor International’s market research on cigarettes and tobacco in Azerbaijan
  • World Bank documents on tobacco use, control legislation, and taxation in Azerbaijan
  • JTI’s overview of their operations and brand presence in Azerbaijan